The first full-fledged interest-free bank in Ethiopia

An-Nissa Wadi’ah saving Account

An-Nissa Wadi’ah saving Account

Shari’ah compliant safe keeping account for Women customers designed specifically to meet the financial needs of women & tailored to help them achieve their savings goals and financial independence.

It is also designed to serve women according shariah fully without contamination with any haram or any impermissible elements.

Product Features

  • The customer does not share any risk or profit with the Bank
  • Free service charge for fund Transfers within the Bank or Lower Transaction Fee
  • ATM/POS, Debit card, Internet and mobile banking facility
  • Operated by pass book
  • Shall operated also without passbook
  • Contains special debit card so that women can get various services like shopping with discounts and cash back
  • The Bank may at its own discretion give Hibah (monetary or in kind) for the customers
  • Initial Deposit ETB 25 with no minimum or maximum deposit and withdrawal limit

Withdrawal can be done thorough Cash/ Account to Account Transfer, Debit Card, Internet/Mobile banking

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Ethiopia’s first with a full interest-free license, shaping ethical finance for a brighter future

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