The first full-fledged interest-free bank in Ethiopia

Foreign Currency Account opening

Foreign Currency Account opening

  • Retention A/C: an account opened by eligible exporters of goods and services and recipients of inward remittances in accordance with the provisions of NBE directive
  • None- resident diaspora FCY A/C: an account opened by non-resident Ethiopian or foreign National Ethiopian origin denominated in foreign currency
  • Non-resident FCY A/C: an account opened for international organizations, foreign nationals, non-Governmental organization (NGO), and staff members of foreign embassies. The non-resident accounts aZamZam_SWIFT Transfer Form (GBP)re denominated in foreign currency (FCY) and local currency (LCY) currency whose source of deposit is in FCY
  • Non-resident Transferrable A/C: an account maintained in local currency and funds can be transferred abroad without the necessity of obtaining a foreign exchange permit.
  • Non-resident non-transferable A/C: an account maintained in local currency and funds cannot be transfer abroad.

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Ethiopia’s first with a full interest-free license, shaping ethical finance for a brighter future

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