The first full-fledged interest-free bank in Ethiopia

Hajj wadi’ah saving

Wadi’ah saving account

Wadi’ah saving account is which customers that aspire to travel for the Islamic pilgrimage in Mecca.

Basic Requirements

  • Present valid and renewed ID card and two recent photographs (3×4)
  • Initial Deposit

 Product Features

  • Issuance free quarterly statement
  • Operated by pass book
  • Shall also operated without passbook
  • The Bank may at its own discretion give Hibah (monetary or in kind) for the customers
  • Free, convenient and limitless intra-bank transfer of funds (only local)
  • Initial Deposit ETB 25 with no minimum or maximum deposit and withdrawal limit
  • Withdrawal is highly discouraged but not prohibited
  • Maturity: When the customer reaches the legal age of consent (18 years)

Contact information

Ethiopia’s first with a full interest-free license, shaping ethical finance for a brighter future

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