The first full-fledged interest-free bank in Ethiopia

Musharakah Financing

Embark on a journey with Zamzam Bank’s Musharakah Financing, a collaborative and Sharia-compliant financial solution tailored for businesses and individuals. Experience a collaborative partnership with shared ownership, risks, and rewards.

Musharakah Features and benefits

Active Involvement

The Musharakah partners are expected to be actively involved in the management and decision-making of the venture.

Joint Ownership and Participation

Musharakah involves the joint ownership and participation of two or more parties in a business venture or project


Musharakah promotes risk-sharing between the partners, as they all share in the profits and losses of the venture.

Profit-and-Loss Sharing

The profits and losses of the venture are shared among the Musharakah partners according to a pre-agreed ratio.

Equity-Based Financing

Musharakah provides an equity-based financing alternative to debt-based financing, which is more aligned with Islamic principles.

Entrepreneurial Support

Musharakah can be used to provide financing and support for entrepreneurs and small businesses, as the partners share the risks and rewards.

Asset-Backed Financing

Musharakah is asset-backed, as the partners contribute capital or assets to the venture, which serves as the basis for the financing.

Flexible Structure

  • Musharakah can be structured in various ways, such as Diminishing Musharakah or Equity Musharakah, to cater to different financing needs.

Requirements for Musharakah Financing

Compliance with Shari'ah Principles

The Musharakah financing structure and its implementation must comply with the principles of Shari’ah, including the prohibition of interest, excessive risk, and any unethical or prohibited activities.

Partnership Agreement

  • The Musharakah agreement must be clearly defined, outlining the terms and conditions of the partnership, including the profit and loss sharing ratios.
  • The agreement should specify the roles, responsibilities, and decision-making authority of each partner.

Capital Contribution

  • All partners must contribute capital to the Musharakah, either in the form of cash, assets, or a combination of both.
  • The capital contributions of each partner should be clearly documented.


  • Open communication for a thorough understanding of Musharakah financing terms.

Musharakah Financing Process

Project Assessment and Agreement

Collaborative assessment of the project or asset to determine financing needs
. Agreement on Musharakah financing terms, including co-ownership percentages and profit-sharing ratios.

Joint Investment and Ownership

Joint investment in the equipment or real estate property.
Establishment of co-ownership with shared responsibilities and benefits.

Profit and Loss Distribution

Distribution of profits and losses based on the agreed-upon ratios.
Ensures an equitable sharing of financial outcomes.

Experience Collaborative Finance with Zamzam Bank

Choose Musharakah Financing at Zamzam Bank for a collaborative and Sharia-compliant financial solution. Whether it's acquiring essential equipment or participating in real estate ventures, Zamzam Bank is your partner in shared success. Join us in building a future grounded in ethical and cooperative financial principles.

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Ethiopia’s first with a full interest-free license, shaping ethical finance for a brighter future

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